Core Connection Course Catalog

NYSSLS Aligned Labs, Demos, and Simulations - Spring 25
Science GCRTC Science GCRTC

NYSSLS Aligned Labs, Demos, and Simulations - Spring 25

How many times have you thought of a concept for a science lab or seen a simulation and would love to apply it but don't have the time to make it GREAT and NYSSLS aligned? Or you use it and it flops because you hastily put it together. This course will be an opportunity to work together to create well done, well thought out labs, demos, and simulation activities that will WORK, be effective, and be aligned with our science standards…

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Designing Place-Based, Data-Rich Science Lessons: Summer 2025
Science GCRTC Science GCRTC

Designing Place-Based, Data-Rich Science Lessons: Summer 2025

Places are more than just physical locations. They can include different cultures, histories, languages, and stories that create the world where science is done and data is worked with. These connections can be leveraged to create more engaging and authentic learning experiences in any science classroom. In this course, participants will discuss ways to use both primary and secondary data to tell a more coherent story about phenomena…

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