Developing Numerical Fluency Book Study

Are you working on having your students memorize facts instead of learning how to teach those math facts for understanding? Do you use endless worksheets and timed tests for fact fluency?

Classroom practices and resources often seem disconnected from the understanding of numerical fluency. It's time to make a change. Teachers will learn how to help students to develop numerical understanding versus just memorizing facts.

Numerical fluency is about understanding and meaningful fluency for all students. We need to rethink effective fluency instruction. We'll look at instructional processes that support lasting fluency development and classroom structures and activities for building fluency. This book study will do just that. You'll read about ideas, techniques and strategies that help students to develop meaningful understandings and numerical fluency.

NOTE: Participants will need to obtain a copy of the book, Developing Numerical Fluency by Patsy Kanter and Steven Leinwand, prior to the start of the course.

FORMAT: Asynchronous online learning

DATES: 3/3/25 - 5/12/25

FACILITATOR: Heather Graham

GCRTC CONTACT: Lorena Hurst, GCRTC Teacher Leadership Coach for Elementary Education

FEE: None. Registration is required.




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