Book Study on Readicide: How Schools are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It by Kelly Gallagher
Readicide: How Schools are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It, by Kelly Gallagher, places a lens on exactly how schools are yielding students who are "aliterate,” individuals who can read, yet don't. He sheds light on the issue of overemphasis on standardized testing and the lack of prioritization of reading for enjoyment.
Participants will engage in weekly assignments designed around restoring a culture of voracious readers. The goal of this course is full implementation of the practical strategies outlined within this book to maximize student impact.
This book study is asynchronous and will run 5 weeks with the following pacing guide:
Week #1: Intro & Ch. 1 (p. 1-26)
Week #2: Ch. 2 (p.27-58)
Week #3: Ch. 3 (p.59-86)
Week #4: Ch. 4 (p. 87-110)
Week #5: Ch. 5 (p. 111-119)
NOTE: Participants need to obtain a copy of the book prior to the start of the course.
FORMAT: Asynchronous online learning
DATES: 3/3/25-4/7/25
FACILITATOR: Julie Downey, Queensbury MS ELA
GCRTC CONTACT: Erica Boms Egdemir, GCRTC Teacher Leadership Coach for the Humanities
FEE: None. Registration is required.