Susan Moore-Palumbo </br> Teacher </br> South Glens Falls CSD
Susan Moore-Palumbo is a National Board Certified Teacher and a NYS Master Teacher emeritus, who taught AP Biology, Living Environment and Forensics for over 30 years. She co-facilitated the North Country National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Support Group for twelve years through the Greater Capital Region Teacher Center. In addition, Susan created and taught a variety of Forensics workshops with support from the Center. She has written curricula for Forensics, Environmental Science, Living Environment and AP Biology, and also wrote numerous grants to obtain funding for her school district, including a grant that facilitated the start the forensics program.
Susan served as an adjunct professor teaching graduate students Educational Theory and Practice for the Science Classroom at SUNY Albany. She also created curriculum using Zoology, Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Science and Technology for the St. Rose Summer Academy for nine years. She has participated in many workshops and conferences on alternative energy sources, bioproducts and sustainability through Cornell University, ESF and NYSERDA. In 2017, Susan became a Climate Change Reality Leader through Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. She currently serves on the board of the Saratoga Springs Rotary Education Foundation, and has previously served on the PNECC Governing Board, the Rebuilding Together Saratoga County Board and Literacy Volunteers Board. Susan proudly volunteers with a number of organizations in Saratoga County.