Karen Fox </br> Director </br> Education Initiatives </br> Capital Region Chamber
Karen Fox, Director of Educational Initiatives, has been with the Capital Region Chamber since 2007. She is responsible for heading-up business partnerships for Capital Region BOCES two new P-TECH schools in the Capital Region. Prior responsibilities included managing the Chamber’s professional development programs - Leadership Tech Valley, and the Business Intern Partnership with the Huether School of Business at the College of Saint Rose. In her role with Leadership Tech Valley, she was responsible for planning, coordinating and executing the ten-month interactive program that provides skill development and community immersion experiences for professionals in the Capital Region. Her responsibilities with the Huether School of Business at the College of Saint Rose included working with the Director of Internships to identify business internship opportunities, and work with the business students to prepare them for their internship experience. She also piloted the Love SAM (Science and Math) an initiative with GE, and the Teacher Externship program.
In addition to working at the Capital Region Chamber, Ms. Fox is a board member for Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region and the Greater Capital Region Teacher Center. She is also represents the Chamber on several advisory committees including the Schenectady Foundation STEM Alliance, Workforce Development and Community Education at SUNY Schenectady, the Business Advisory Board at Mohonasen, and the Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education committee, Capital Region STEM Hub and Capital Region Career Jam.