The Greater Capital Region Teacher Center has Added New Courses to Support Special Educators

As a Special Educator, you know the importance of having a strong collegial support system. During these uncertain times of staffing shortages and hardship in our field, it's more important than ever to connect with peers who understand the particular challenges and changes we face. By building a larger network of Special Educators, we can share new perspectives, ideas, and support each other through these trying times.

We invite you to enroll in one (or more!) of our newly added courses designed for Special Educators, our teams, and our colleagues in education. Our courses provide an excellent opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals to expand your knowledge and skills. With these newly added Greater Capital Region Teacher Center courses, you can ensure that you're prepared to address grade band and content level certification changes as they impact your work.

Join our community of Special Educators today and strengthen your professional network. We're here to offer collegial comradeship, support, and guidance every step of the way. Don't miss out on this chance to enhance your practice and get the support you need now!


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